NYSDA Calendar

AllOne Health - Preventing Burnout: Refreshing Your Perspective

Website: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7862000063252952406

Burnout is a response to prolonged or chronic stress with many complex causes. It has to do with “not enough” or being “worn out.” Although stress and burnout share some characteristics, there are distinct differences between the two. During this one-hour webinar, learn how to recognize the signs of burnout and build better coping and resilience strategies to refresh your perspective.

AllOne Health - Preventing Burnout: Refreshing Your Perspective

Website: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7862000063252952406

Burnout is a response to prolonged or chronic stress with many complex causes. It has to do with “not enough” or being “worn out.” Although stress and burnout share some characteristics, there are distinct differences between the two. During this one-hour webinar, learn how to recognize the signs of burnout and build better coping and resilience strategies to refresh your perspective.