CE Navigator

CE Navigator empowers you to submit your CE quickly and easily through an enhanced online process. Set your own email and password, upload your CE certificates, download the app for instant access, and enjoy the freedom to track your continuing education effortlessly. No more guesswork or hassle – just more control over your CE records.

Get Started Today


Starting on September 30, 2024, we will switch entirely to CE Navigator for all submissions. From that date forward, all CE must be submitted online through CE Navigator; fax, email, or mailed submissions will no longer be accepted.

Demo Video:

NYSDA CE Navigator Demo


Free for NYSDA Members

Enjoy complimentary access to our CE Navigator platform as part of your NYSDA membership benefits.

Track Credit Hours

Effortlessly monitor your CE credits, ensuring you stay on top of your requirements with ease.

Set Reminders for Mandated Courses, License Renewal, and more!

Stay organized and never miss a deadline by setting personalized reminders for important courses and license renewals.

Pull Transcripts & Store CE Certificates

Access your CE transcript and certificates whenever and wherever you need it, ensuring your records are always at your fingertips.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Do I need to create an account for CE Navigator?

Yes, to utilize the features and benefits of CE Navigator, you will need to create an account. This account will allow you to manage your continuing education records efficiently and conveniently. Visit www.nysdentalnavigator.com to create your account. 

Will there be any training sessions or webinars to help users familiarize themselves with CE Navigator?

Absolutely! NYSDA recognizes the importance of ensuring a smooth transition for its users. As such, there will be a comprehensive training demo available to help users familiarize themselves with the CE Navigator platform. Please keep an eye on your emails for more information.

What if I get audited by State Education Department (SED)?

Don't worry—NYSDA is here to support you every step of the way. Contact the Manager of Continuing Education, Brenda Turner, immediately at ce@nysdental.org for prompt guidance and expert help. You can also visit the NYSDA Licensure Renewal Analysis webpage for more information. We're dedicated to ensuring your compliance and success.