NYSDA House of Delegates


May 30 - May 31, 2025 | Long Island Marriott


The house is comprised of 102 voting members, and is the supreme authoritative body of the New York State Dental Association.

The Duties of the House of Delegates include: Elect officers, Elect members of the Board of Trustees, Elect the trustee representing the Second Trustee District of the American Dental Association (subject to the approval of the HOD of the ADA). Elect the members of councils and commissions, Elect the delegates and alternate delegates to the American Dental Association, Receive and act upon reports of the councils and committees, Adopt an annual budget and establish the dues of active members for the following year, Serve as the court of appeals from decisions of the Council on Ethics except those decisions involving discipline of members.

Future meeting dates: June 5-6, 2026 in Atlantic City, NJ