Renew your Membership
Pay in Full
Simply use your ADA login information to renew your dues.
What do you do if you don't remember your ADA User ID or password? You can retrieve and/or reset your User ID and/or password at "I forgot my User ID or password."
Dues Installment Program
NYSDA Offers 6-month Installment Plan
You can opt into the installment plan options at checkout when you pay your dues bill online.
We will process payments for the 6-month installments as follows:
Credit will be processed on the 10th of each month (the first payment is January 10, 2025 and the last payment is June 10, 2025).
No refunds will be provided for cancelled memberships. By enrolling in a membership, the “membership year” spans a calendar year from January through December and not a 12-month period from the date of enrollment. If plan payments are cancelled before dues are paid in full for the current year, membership will be cancelled and all benefits will cease.
FOR NEW ENROLLEES: If you enroll prior to January 9, 2025, the first payment will be made immediately and the second installment will be automatically processed on February 10, 2025.
Simplify your life! Never forget to renew your membership by enrolling in auto-renew*.
Available in both full payment or a 6-month installment plan.
*See the full terms and conditions.
The NYSDA will process annual auto-renewal one-time payments in January each year.
Member Benefits
Check out the 2025 NYSDA Member Benefits Guide for a comprehensive list of all the benefits and resources available to members!
NYSDA offers many services specifically tailored for dentists in New York such as:
- Legal Resources
- Member Assistance Program (MAP)
- Continuing Education
- Peer Review
- Substance Use Disorder and Well-Being Support
- Practice Resources
- Contract Analysis
- Our Scientific Research Journal
- Networking events and Assistance Finding a Job or Practice to Purchase
- ADA Member Benefits
- Savings on Dental Supplies
- Professional Liability
- Access to professional services
- Access to a full support staff